Face to Face Assessment centre: Miranda (Sydney)  Fill out our intake form

NDIS: National Disability Insurance Scheme


The NDIS (or National Disability Insurance Scheme) provides individualised support for individuals 0-65 with a permanent and significant disability that affects their ability to take part in everyday life. They provide information and referrals, links to services and activities, individualised plans and where necessary, supports over a lifetime. This includes reasonable and necessary financial support based on individual needs and goals. Individuals and their families accessing the scheme will have planning meetings and access to Community Connectors to help them develop a plan. Plans are reviewed at least annually.


Funding will be dependent on need, goals and existing supports. The amount your child is eligible for may change from year to year and you may not be eligible for funding every year. You will have an opportunity to meet with a planner to discuss this. You can also review the Getting Ready Plan template designed by NDIA to help you consider your child's current needs, supports and goals.

For further information, please see the NDIS website at www.ndis.gov.au or you can call 1800 800 110.


At ACPC Psychology, our highly skilled, passionate and dedicated team of psychologists can provide services which are fully funded by the NDIS.

We can deliver the following services for those eligible or receiving NDIS funding:

  • Strategies for Carers 
  • Individualised Interventions
  • Improved daily living skills 
  • A full range of developmental, cognitive, adaptive and behavioural assessments 

Supports will be provided in a context of a therapeutic/assessment setting by a psychologist for the duration of the sessions agreed with clients. 


ACPC Psychology can only provide services to clients who are Self Managing their funds or have a Plan Nominee or Management Provider. 
- If you are Self Managing your funds, then you are expected to pay the invoice before your initial consult. You will then have to manually claim the funds back from the NDIS, using the NDIS portal. 

- If you have a Plan Nominee/ Management Provider to help you manage your NDIS funding for you, then you don’t have to deal with the administrative hassle of claiming invoices. The service provider, ACPC, would directly send the invoices to your plan nominee for them to organise payment whilst accessing your NDIS portal. 

Please note the following: 

  1. If you are Managed by NDIA: whereby the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) manages your funding and the service provider accesses your funding through the portal, then you will not be able to access our services under NDIS claims.
  2. If you are unsure of how your NDIS funding is managed: you will need to check your plan or speak to your local coordinator, otherwise email our administration team and they would happy to guide you. 
  3. Assessment costs will vary depending on what assessments are administered and on the selected assessment package cost. This can be discussed with the assessing psychologist. 
  4. Fees are applicable for Summary letters/ reports requested by the NDIA (usually at plan approval and review) and for any other additional letters requested to cover for administration time. Please discuss with your treating psychologist. 
  5. If you do not attend an appointment or give notice prior to the 48-hour notice: a FULL cancellation will be charged as per our clinic cancellation policy. 

To book a consultation please complete our intake form!

Our goal is to ensure your advocacy needs are met through the process of continuous engagement and genuine understanding of your needs